New York Fashion Week, How You Amused Me

Well, ye olde Week o' Fashion has come to an end, and I survived without crouching in a corner crying due to my severe uncoolness next to the furs, expensive shoes, and emaciation (all off the runway).

I covered a crap ton of shows as contributing fashion editor for Fashion.Style.Beauty - so you can hop on over there to check out my full opinions on Michael Kors, Vera Wang, Ports, Nanette Lepore, Siriano, Michael Angel, and others I can't remember.

But here's a quick recap of my favorite parts of the week:

Simon Doonan. He rocks my world, and I was seated across from him (okay, there was an ocean between us) at the Kors show. He wore brown sneakers, jeans, and a puffy coat. I wanted to take him home. Not in a sexual way, but to just put on my shelf and smile at.

Best overheard comments while waiting for shows to start:

"Is there still a warrant out for your arrest?"

Cupcakes and booze at Leanne Marshall.

Front row at Matthew Ames (which also happened to be my favorite show.) Yeah, so I only got front row because no one was there. Whatever, it counts. I got to see balloon pants.

Bwogging Is Fun, Mommy!

I adore Racked. If I had to choose one blog to have dinner with, it would be them. However, I have to air my grievances with the stint Racked National is pulling this Fashion Week regarding 5-year-old Katie.

Yes, I realize the li'l one's presence in the tents is most likely an intentional comment upon baby bloggers (namely Tavi) who cover major shows and have their reviews taken seriously. And while kids do say the darndest things, there's just something, well, annoying about this. And foreboding.

I'm also not happy she gets a front row seat when her legs barely touch the ground.

Day Two: Fur Dickies And Rorschach Walls

Today I full-on went for it and wore a freakin' fur dickie to the tents. That's right. I'm not scared.

Saw Michael Angel and Christian Siriano -- neither of which I was mad at. Perhaps my favorite part of the day was becoming lost in thought while staring at Angel's Rorschach backdrop. And grimacing at Siriano's ruffles. (Think I'm in the minority there.)

Check out my full reviews at Fashion.Style.Beauty.

Day One: City Girls, Pink Fur...

Covered my first two shows yesterday - would have been three if I had managed to wake up in time for Mackage.

Anyway, lots happened before, during, and after both the Ports 1961 and Farah Angsana shows later that day. Including Esther Nash in head to toe fur, The Hills or City or whatever girls doused in white smoke, and a total abuse of chiffon.

Check out my full coverage at Fashion.Style.Beauty where I'm playing the role of Contributing Fashion Editor this week.

Neither Snow Nor Rain Stays The Mighty Peep-Toe

This morning I bundled up and hoofed it over to Bryant Park to pick up my press badge for Fashion Week. Lots happened - including a crazy long line full of crazy weird people. Shocker.

But perhaps the most fun of all was watching the woman in front of us in the middle of a sartorial dilemma. Girlfriend arrived in ballet flats sans socks, realized it was, like, way cold, went home to change, and came back in..


Tent Time - OMG, OMG, OMFG!

'Tis that time of year to enter the tents and watch a bunch of really skinny models walk around in really expensive clothes. Now, according to Kelly Cutrone, only the people seated in the first three rows of the shows matter. Like, in life. So therefore, as I won't be seated in said rows, you can choose to ignore my coverage (and that of the rest of the industry filling the seats) and only pay attention to what the important people have to say. I guess they do have a better view.

But if you do decide to tune in for my opinions, I'll also give updates on what I choose to wear and be judged in every day. (Remember, I have not gone shopping for anything other than what The Works has provided, so this should be a very interesting challenge, with no liquid leggings involved.)

Winter Stuff For Dirt Cheap At The Works

Picked up a few more things from Housing Works -- this time from the Upper West Side location on Columbus. Pretty much all clothing was between 3 and 10 dollars. Can't beat that.

My booty included a grey fitted, long blazer with an unusual mock collar for $5, an oversized v-neck cashmere sweater for $7, and a fantastic vintage pin for only $4.