Sartorial Resolution For 2010 (Wish Me Luck)

Back after an elongated, self-indulgent Christmas/New Year's break.

And have finally come up with a resolution for 2010:

The only clothing purchases I will make this entire year will be from Housing Works thrift stores. I've recently been visually merchandising for them, and, having always been a fan, see this as a fantastic way to get creative and break myself of the habit of frequenting H&M (who's morally vacant right now), Zara (who produces shoddy product), and Loehmann's (who I truly do love and will miss).

Plus, by only shopping the Works, the majority of my income won't go to my wardrobe.

Disclaimer: This decision does not exclude me from wearing anything currently in my closet. Stay tuned for pics of all future purchases....

And peruse their site to bid on the best stuff at the stores - what they put in those awesome windows.

1 comment:

kerry said...

woo hoo! i want a daily photo log of these outfits...
