Even Child Aliens are not Spared from Photoshopping Monster

Wow. After posting my manifesto on airbrushing mere moments ago, a Google ad popped up on my site - directly below the post - for PageantPhotoRetouching.com. It's a photoshopping service for tiny pageant participants.

As terrifying as this concept is, the pictures are even scarier.

Airbrush Rebellion: Could We Be Closer to the Real Thing?

Last September, Ralph Lauren Photoshopped a model's body so severely in an ad, that both a virtual and literal lynch mob sprung up to combat the bang-up job. The blogosphere went into a whirlwind of criticizing articles and general outrage, while NOW protested outside the New York flagship store and called for an apology not only to the public, but to the model - who was subsequently fired for not being able to squeeze her obese size 4 body into the designer’s clothes.

Everyday we are bombarded with falsities. Nearly every public image we lay eyes on has been digitally altered to some degree. And this becomes particularly dangerous when the images become unrealistic, unattainable versions of women’s bodies.

The reckless art(?) of photoshopping has been front and center in the news lately thanks to - brace yourself - celebrities. Britney Spears released un-retouched images from her latest Candies ad, which are eye-opening when compared to the official campaign photos, while both Kim Kardashian and Jessica Simpson appeared in mag spreads sans airbrush. Hopefully, this is the beginning of a movement that will help young girls to understand that in the world of media, nothing is as it seems.

See Ya

I'm off today to the sun-drenched Dominican Republic for a week of really potent rum, body baking, and more rum. I will be planting myself in the above chair wearing little more than this monokini contraption. Ah, can't wait.

Be back on the 29th - with a bizarre crochet tan line all over my mid-section.

The Mystical Powers of Face Shellac

It's no surprise that pretty people get what they want. Or at least a better chance at it. And according to a recent study commented upon in an article from Women's Health, ugly ducklings earn less than the so-called attractive swans. Although this is far from a revelation, it's nonetheless extremely disheartening. And to throw salt into the wound, the author of the article kowtows to the pressure, by pointing out instances of dolling herself up to get an edge over others. Instead of "holding on to my bronzer and gloss, just in case," maybe we can start to get angrier, and do something about the employers who give that tube of glittery gloss the magical power it doesn't deserve.

Bad Loehmann's, Bad

I have been betrayed by a longtime, loyal (up til now) , do anything for them, dear, dear friend: Loehmann's. Last time I shopped there, the woman behind the register told me I could pick like 15 magazines from a list they had and get subscriptions to them for free, just for being a Loehmann's customer. Wow, ok, yeah, sweet.

Not so much. Turns out you get the mags for a few months and then they start billing the CREDIT CARD you used to make your clothing purchase. None of this was explained to me, or apparently any other customers.

But, really, it gets worse. I called up customer service and asked them to cancel all of the mags. They told me in a sweet, robotic voice, "Yes, of course, all are canceled. Thank you for your business."

Again, not so much. My recent credit card statement shows several $15 withdrawals for the magazines that were supposedly canceled.

Why Loehmann's???? And after I've been so good to you.

Not All Brits Look Like Kate Moss, And Debenhams's Know It

Bear hug to Debenham's, a British department store who's decided to feature size 16 mannequins in their windows. They're the first store in the country to do so, as well as the first to actually come to their senses and tap into customers' needs...and bodies. The average size of a British woman is 16, so one would think this wouldn't be such a revolutionary venture. Alas, stuck in a society where normal and healthy is considered unprofitable, the idea is a scary one for many (all?) retailers.

Nevertheless, props to Debenham's for keeping it real.


Some new pics from my latest shoot with Simon Gerzina.